opening hours

Mon – Sat (Academic) 9:00am–4:30pm
Mon – Fri (Admin Block) 9:00am–5:00pm

General Contact

Manipur University of Culture
Near Bhagyachandra Open Air Theatre (BOAT) Palace Compound, Imphal East, Manipur -795001.

Admission Office

Admission Cell, A-Block
Manipur University of Culture
Near Bhagyachandra Open Air Theatre (BOAT) Palace Compound, Imphal East, Manipur -795001

From The Desk of :

Vice Chancellor-MUC

Manipur is well known for her unique and rich cultural heritage. She has a fine tradition of chivalry, art and culture. Her culture represents the perfect blending of aesthetic and ethical aspects in an extraordinary way which are very much necessary to cultivate in the present education policy of the State and as well as the Nation. The famous Manipuri Rasa Dance which has been one of the classical dances of India and the Sankritana of Manipur which has been listed in the Intangible Heritage of UNESCO are the clear examples of the aesthetic aspects of Manipuri culture while the internationally famed 'Hockey on Horseback' later came to know as 'Polo' and Manipuri Thang-Ta (Indigenous martial arts of sword and spear) are the clear examples of chivalry and ethical aspects of Manipuri Culture.

Prof. Paonam Gunindro Singh
The mission of Manipur University of Culture is to evolve policies and programmes which would enable to make the University a distinct one by fostering our composite culture through qualitative expansion of academic studies and researches which has been envisaged in the cultural policies of the State Government.

A Glance on The Courses

Currently 11 (eleven) different courses (B.A. & M.A.) are offering at MUC.

Department of Dance, Manipur University of Culture is offering 3yrs regular degree course in B.A. Dance. The said course is consisted of six semesters and the entire course provides the complete knowledge of different dance forms in Manipur, such as Lai- Haraoba Dance, Raasleela, Kabui Naga Dance, Mao dance, other Indian Classical dances etc. In the entire semesters, there are both theory and practical classes as the syllabus is designed in such a way that each and every unit or chapter is met with the required knowledge of dance forms. The narrative art form of Manipur and Pena are also included as a part of this course.
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Info updating soon...
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Department of Sankirtana offers Three Year Degree Course in Sankirtana which is divided into 6 (six) semesters of Six month each. From 1st to 4th semester main subjects are Pung, Eshei, Cholom and Monoharsai. In addition to the above main subjects three more additional subjects i.e. English, Manipur and Cultural Studies are also incorporated to impart broad knowledge of general subjects apart from the specific subjects. In the Fifth semester, a common paper will replace the supplementary subject i.e English, Manipuri and Cultural Studies. In the Sixth Semester, a dissertation paper is to be submitted for the award of the Bachelor degree.
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The main aim of opening Thang-Ta department in the Manipur University of culture is to provide the Self-Defense and Vocational Confrontations,Spiritual and Physical Health,Self-Discipline and Behavior Modification etc. to the youth of the nation. It also studies the socio-cultural values and historical accounts of the Manipur and neighboring states.
Department of Thang-Ta offers Three Year Degree Course which is divided into 6 (six) semesters of Six month each. The department also offers two years in M.A. having four semesters of six months each.
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The Department of Theatre and Performance Studies of Manipur University of Culture (MUC), Palace Compound Imphal came into existence in the year 2015. The Department started with Three Year Bachelor Degree Programme under Semester System in “Theatre and Performance Studies”.
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Bachelor of Umanglai Haraoba Master of Umanglai Haraoba (under process to start from the academic session 2020-2021 with choice based credit system)
Course contents of the Bachelor of Umanglai Haraoba:
1. The course shall be full time course of three years.
2. The course shall be divided into six examinations at the end of each semester.
3. The Course consists of 20 papers of total 2600 Marks distributing in Six Semesters.
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The Department of Tribal Studies came into existence since the inception of Manipur University of Culture in the year 2016. The Department of Tribal Studies offers Bachelor of Arts in Tribal Studies (BTS). It is one of the first in North East India to offer graduate course in Tribal Studies. Any graduate of the general education can apply for admission to MA programme in Tribal Studies.
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The visual art Department has opened in the year 2016 as a component of the University of Culture, without which the meaning of culture seems not been perfecting. The faculty, have four Departments:
1. Painting
2. Sculpture
3. Print Making (Graphic)
4. Applied Art
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The Manipuri Department covers a wide range of topics which includes Poem, Prose, Short-stories, Essays, Novels, OldLiterature, Folkore, Travelogue, Biography, Plays and contemporary Manipuri Grammar and composition etc
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Department of English, Manipur University of Culture offers integrated, interdisciplinary programmes of teaching and research in English Language and English Literature (including Indian and North East Literature). The B.A. programme in English, open to all disciplines, besides giving basic courses in descriptive and general English, places particular emphasis to supplement their own language learning activities with theoretical insights and practical applications of literature.
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The Course, though subsidiary, is compulsory and will be taught in the first two (2) years i.e. from I to IV semesters. But in the near future, the University has the scope of opening a full-fledged BA Course in Culture Studies. And at present for a better opportunity to the students who want to pursue degree in culture Studies, the Department is planning to introduce Post graduate course from the academic session 2020-21 with Choice Based Credit system which will further leads to Doctoral and Post Doctoral Courses.
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Courses We have



Expert Faculties



Students at Present



Graduated Students Till Date

THe Glory of Our Rich culture



JAIN UTSAV 2023 (36th Inter University), Bangalore

MUC begged 6 Golds, 1 Silver, 4 bronze Medals and became Overall Champion at 36th Inter University Jain Utsav held at Jain Deemed to be University, Bangalore from 24th to 28th February, 2023.



International Bioresource Conclave & Ethnopharmacology Congress, Imphal-Manipur, 2023.


1st NICSLD 2023, Thailand

MUC has participated in the 1st National and International Conference on Sustainable Local Development (1st NICSLD) on 13th Feb., 2023 at Faculty of Education, Surindra Rajabhat University, Thailand.




Dr. L. Meena Devi

Asst. Professor/ HOD (i/c)

Dept. of Culture Studies, MUC


Dr. Kamei Budha Kabui

Asst. Professor/ HOD (i/c)

Dept. of Tribal Studies, MUC


Smt. Gurumayum Kunjalata Devi

Head of Department

Dept. of Dance, MUC


L Dhaneshwor Singh

Asst. Professor/ HOD (i/c)

Department of Sankirtana, MUC



Asst. Professor/ HOD (i/c)

Dept. of Thang-Ta, MUC


Toijam Shila Devi

Asst. Professor/ HOD (i/c)

Dept. of Theatre & Performance Studies, MUC


Since its (MUC) establishment in 2015 as State University, has been taking a crutial role in promoting and preserving the rich cultural heritage of Manipur by offering different cources including Dance, Music, Thang-Ta, Sankirtana, Theatre and Performanc Studies and Tribal Studies among others..
Manipur as a state and Manipur University of Culture as epicentre of cultural resources and activities inherently possess immense strength as 'Culture' is an essential element in our relation with South-East Asia.
Manipur University of Culture has made a mark in the field of standardization of cultural education of the various entities of Manipuri culture in particular end of India at a large..
Manipur University of Culture is the 2nd Cultural University in India. MUC is one of the main universities to impart and inculcate our inherent knowledge and skills of our rich and proud culture and give rise to talented performers and achievers in the field of Art & Culture.
The University came up under a driving need to safeguard the rich cultural heritage of the state and nourish its unique potential as it has been envisaged in the Cultural Policy of the Government of Manipur.


What is happening in MUC


Mar 23, 2023


Feb 13, 2023

1st NICSLD, Thailand, 2023

Feb 10, 2023

Jain Utsav